
Saturday, 24 October 2015

Normal service resumed.

After yesterday's day of drizzle we got back to normal sunshine today.  The morning was a bit grey but the afternoon turned out lovely with warm sun and blue sky.  We left Tim in the morning and thanked him for his kind hospitality.  Whilst at Tim's we used the internet to book our return ferry.  We have chosen to come back on Mon 2nd November so that I can make preparations for selling my house.  I still have fingers crossed that it will all go through ok but we are still waiting for a survey and I don't want to get too confident till that is completed.

Whilst travelling we came across the 'route de Richard Coeur de Lion' or the route of Richard the Lionheart, the area has obviously been a stomping ground of the English for a long time.

We picked up some shopping at a supermarket and arrived at our destination by lunchtime.  Tim had recommended a pretty town called Brantome.  It is north of Perigueux and it is a town whose centre is on an island in the river La Cole.

It also happened to be market day....

We thought we might treat ourselves to Coq au van tonight.  Please excuse the spelling mistake!

It is a very pretty place but only takes about 10 minutes to get around. We didn't mind taking the day slowly and we sat out in the sun reading our books.

We actually stayed on a camping car area that we had to pay for, it was 6 euros.  It's the first time since we arrived in France that we have paid for our overnight stops.  I didn't mind too much as it is a nice location on a flat hard surface near the town and river.

I'm still unsure about the continental gas connection issue so we are being frugal with our heating system and may actually go to a site with electricity tomorrow!  I am wrapping Janice in a blanket as we speak (metaphorically).

We have been consuming less calories today.  I only had one coffee cream eclair this afternoon and we had a salad for tea but more alcohol!  Tim was definitely too hospitable in that department.

Today's quote is from G K Chesterton and is as follows:- "I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite".  I'm not sure if I am really recommending this quote to anyone but I like the general concept!

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